Friday 16 April 2021
I started with HVCID at the beginning of March 2021. My first month was learning the ropes and how things worked and getting to know some of the role players in Harfield Village. As is my personality, I wanted to do it all and action projects ASAP.
One of my first projects was to do a walk around SAPS Claremont with Colonel Louw and Captain Bock. I saw the desperate need for the Station to have a deep clean and to start afresh in a clean work space. The HVCID Committee approved the clean and I booked the date for 16 April.
Marisa Fernandes and her Komali Cleaning Services Team were fantastic! They got to work and soon the spaces were feeling the benefits. To walk into the Station in the afternoon and smell the difference and visibly see the clean spaces, carpets, windows, and offices was so awesome.
Thanks to everyone involved for making this happen! It is good to make a difference!